Beach Reach
Every year, hundreds of Christian college students join together to verbally share the gospel of Jesus with those they encounter as they seek to meet their physical needs for food and transportation. This is a strategic moment to proclaim the gospel in the midst of brokenness. Join us as we meet needs in His name that we might proclaim his love to thousands of college students who invade South Padre Island during Spring Break.
When: March 15-21
Cost: $500
Are you interested? Let us know by clicking here!
If you need help fundraising read this: beach reach fundraising
New York Mission Trip
Come partner in a work that God is doing among University students in Syracuse, New York. In an area with thousands of university students and only 7 full-time campus workers, the need is great.
We will help a student organization with outreach events, prayer walking, and broad gospel sowing activities in order to meet people and start relationships with them.
Eastern Europe Trip
Come partner in a work that God is doing among University students in Eastern Europe. In an area with 150,000 University students and a city of over 2 million people, the possibilities are endless.
We will help a student organization with outreach events like trivia nights, games nights, and weekly broad gospel sowing activities in order to meet people and start relationships with them.
We will be a part of a team reaching out to an area that is less than .01% believers and engage “Cultural Orthodox Christianity”. You will also build relationships with other students through coffee house visits, helping with English classes, one-on-one relationships, and broad gospel sowing activities.